Friday, July 15, 2011

Tennessee and laryngitis

Ely Clan
We had our annual family reunion in Tennessee this year.  We were in the mountains which was a change from our usual beach locations.  We were able to do some hiking, kayaking and swimming in the beautiful weather as well as having a lot of fun and games in the evenings.  As usual, a good time was had by all.  We are so lucky in that way.  Its hard to get a group this size together and not have to worry about any stress or conflicts.  Except when Jacob and I kill at euchre! :)

Healthwise, it was a challenge for me.  I had a sore throat with a slight cough when we left.  It seemed to be getting better and I had cultured it twice at work and found no bacterial pathogens.  On our second night there, I woke with a cough that was burning in my chest.  The next morning, I went to an urgent care site.  I was diagnosed with bronchitis and given a prescription for a Z-pac.  This seemed to help and I never had the burning sensation again.  I hoped to get back to normal soon.  I got better, but never really all the way.  I was still coughing and a little tired.  I didn't miss too many activities except for the later night ones.

One night we went out for dinner to a barbecue rib place.  Inside there was a showcase and more pig memorabilia than I have ever seen (except at home).  It was like a museum and I just loved it!

We came home on Friday.  We had 7 people and for awhile, a dog in our car.  It was actually quite fun.  I worked on Saturday and Sunday.  On Sunday, I woke up with no voice at all.  Another throat culture showed only normal flora.  I went over 7 days with no voice.  I was the butt of many jokes.  It is finally coming back, but slowly.  Even now I am scratchy and sometimes just run out voice.  But, I can communicate, pay back, and kind of make phone calls.  I'm back to gargling with anything google might suggest.  I have tried hydrogen peroxide, mouthwash, vinegar, and salt water.  No success.  I feel fine otherwise which makes resting difficult if not impossible.  Its summer and there are just too many options.  My BGs are affected only a little.  I am taking 7 units of Lantus instead of my normal 6 units.

On another front, Dr. Bellin has decided that I should see a Nephrologist.  My creatinine and bun levels have been fluctuating too much.  I have been noticing some ankle swelling and that my urinary habits are different lately.  So, I know that its a wise thing to check it more closely.  I have an appointment at the end of next month.

In the meantime, I am anticipating my 3 YEAR anniversary of my transplant and my trip to Minnesota for my final clinic visit.  I am hoping to see many of the people that I have met during these last wonderful 3 years of this experience.

Dolly has been having some fear issues and we are taking her this evening to spend some time (maybe a month) with the ADAI trainers.  We will miss her but hope that they can get her over this problem.

1 comment:

Camille said...

Catching up with you in person, I thought I better catch up with you online!
As always, your posts are interesting, varied and thought-provoking. Keep up the good work.

Please let me know how your visit at the U of M went and about your kidney issues.

Knowing you helps give me hope for all of us with loved ones with type 1. Your perspective is invaluable, and your friendship, a treasure.