My efforts at stabilizing my stomach reminds me very much of trying to stabilize my blood sugars. In both cases, the problems are brought on by the very medication needed to keep me healthy. Both cases use superstitious behavior as the strategy. When things are bad, I try to guess what I just did wrong or what I should have done correctly. When things improve, I guess what I did right or didn't do wrong. With all of the variables, it is seldom possible to know the answers to those questions. In both cases, the drugs are very powerful and will win every time. It is just a matter of learned tolerance of their wrath. I sacrificed sweets for the insulin demon. I have sacrificed coffee to the immunosuppressant demon. I wish they would just tell me what they want or what I should do. Life would be much simpler. I just have to hope that time is on my side. I have heard from a few people, who say that it does get better.
Most importantly, my blood sugars are still good. Interestingly, they do go a little high when I am having a really bad stomach day. Now that my blood sugar levels don't have those wild swings all of the time, I can detect the little inconsistencies.