These are pictures I took on my phone while I was on my customary walk along the Mississippi River after my checkup. For October, the weather was nice.
The results are back from my visit and look good.
The CBC was typical. WBC was 2.5, Hemoglobin was 11.4 which is a little low.
Blood chemistry tests were normal with the albumin at 3.6 and total protein at 6.5, both of which are just a bit low.
My A1c which is the 3 month overall average measure of blood sugar was 5.6 Normal is 4-6.
Fasting glucose was 97 and C-peptide was 1.23
Post-prandial (90 min. after meal) glucose was 171 and C-peptide was 4.96
The only thing that worried me was that despite my best efforts, I have lost another pound. I discussed this with Dr. Bellin. She didn't seem worried and we wondered if maybe this is just my new weight. I knew it was typical to lose some weight right after the transplant, but I didn't expect to keep losing. I know that I lost some during the CMV experience, but I expected to gain that back. I guess I will just stop worrying about it and just buy some new clothes. I am also planning on polling the other islet cell patients that I communicate with and see how their weight is behaving.
In the last week, I have visited my retina specialist and been told that my cotton-wool spot is gone, and had my CMV titer measured and it was negative, So that experience seems to be behind me now. I will continue to have my CMV measured every 2 months for awhile, just to be sure.