Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day 16

This was not a good day.  I am sleepy and nauseated from the pain medication, but I can't bear the pain without it. I am on a glucose IV, so I have to stay on top of my blood sugars so  they don't go too  high.  In the afternoon, I run a fever and am put on an antibiotic.  I am put on a clear liquid diet about suppertime, but it is mostly extremely high sugar content, so  I  don't eat most of it.  

Finally, in the late afternoon, I feel that the pain might be gone, so  I  say no to my next dose.  Sure  enough it  is gone.  Now I can at least stay awake and have a more active roll in my recovery.  I  went to bed feeling  better, but still no answers as to what  had  caused the pain.

My blood  sugars are still holding steady.

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